Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

Verney Road, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3BL


01296 711380

Inclement Weather

Inclement Weather

In severe weather the school will endeavour to stay open wherever possible. However the safety of your child is paramount.

If the decision is made to close the school after transport has already commenced, but has not yet arrived, or if the school needs to close during the day and buses and taxis are unable to reach us, parents and carers will be responsible for collecting pupils.

It is therefore important that if you send your child in on their transport you can be available to come and get them from school should the situation worsen.

If it is determined that weather is progressively worsening and operators are concerned that they will not be able to provide transport at a later time, a decision will be made between their office and Bucks County Council to dispatch transport earlier than usual. In this instance Bucks County Council will let us know that transport cannot be delayed until the end of the school day, and we will release those students who rely on home to school transport to return home. We will notify you as soon as we have any information.

Please check https://closures.buckscc.gov.uk/TransportTrouble.aspx if you are unsure whether transport is or is not likely to be provided on any morning or afternoon.

If the decision is made to close the school, the local authority is notified and the information is posted on the Bucks County Council website (https://closures.buckscc.gov.uk). Once we have submitted this information on-line this will automatically notify local radio stations within the Local Authority, Communication Team and Passenger Transport, and will be posted on the council’s website for the benefit of parents and staff. This is by far the most effective way of ensuring that details of the closure are circulated quickly.

We will notify parents and staff by text message and/or email where possible.

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