Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

Verney Road, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3BL


01296 711380


Curriculum Vision and Aims

Curriculum Vision 

To provide pupils with an inclusive curriculum which enables them to grow; socially, emotionally and academically, developing a coherent set of values and inner beliefs, essential to full participation in employment, leisure, family life and society. 

Curriculum Aims 

To offer a curriculum that is balanced and broadly based which: 

  • Meets all young people’s needs, now and into the future, and helps them to develop resilience, independence, healthy lifestyles and self-advocacy skills 
  • Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils 
  • Provides successful transition between phases of education and preparation for adult life 
  • Raises career aspirations for pupils with SEN and broadens their employment horizons 
  • Plans effective exit routes into appropriate employment and community participation 
  • Prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life 
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