Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

Verney Road, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3BL


01296 711380

Entry/ Developing Pathway KS1, 2 and 3

Entry/Developing Pathway KS1, 2 and 3

INTENDED CURRICULUM Entry/Developing Pathway Year 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Communication and Interaction

·             To Listen Carefully

·             To Develop Joint Attention

·             To Use Symbols as a Tool for Communication

·             To Understand Language (Receptive)

·             To Use Language (Expressive)

·             To Use Language and Speech as a Form of Artistic Expression (Drama)

Personal, Social and Emotional Development/Emotional Health and Wellbeing

·             Making sense of Self:

·             Making Relationships

·             Interoception

·             Regulation

·             Understanding Emotions

Physical Development

Focus on Gross motor Skills, Stability, Bilateral Coordination, Body Awareness, Fine Motor Skills, Visual Perception

·             Transcription: To present work in a written or electronic form

·             To develop practical skills in order to participate, compete and lead a healthy lifestyle

English: Reading

·             To read words accurately

·             To understand texts  


English: Writing

·             Transcription: Spelling

·             Composition



·             To know and use numbers

·             To add and subtract

·             To multiply and divide

·             To use fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion

·             To understand the properties of shapes

·             To describe position, direction and movement

·             To use measures: Time

·             To use measures: Length, height, weight and capacity

·             To use measures: Money

·             To use statistic

Understanding the World

Science /Forest School

·        To Plan investigations

·        To conduct an experiment

·        To record evidence

·        To report findings

·        To draw conclusions and make predictions

To Know and Understand that


·        Living things can be classified according to observable features

·        Habitats provide living things with what they need

·        Living things exhibit variation and adaptation and these may lead to evolution.

·        Life exists in a variety of forms and goes through cycles – Plants

·        Life exists in a variety of forms and goes through cycles – Animals

·        The human body has a number of systems, each with its own function


·        Different rocks have different properties and the formation of soil & fossils can be explained

·        Materials have physical properties which can be investigated and compared

·        The physical properties of materials determine their uses

·        Materials can exist in different states and that these states can sometimes be changed


·        There are contact and non-contact forces; these sound can be reflected & absorbed and enable us to see & hear affect the motion of objects

·        Day, night, month, seasonal change & year are caused by the position and movement of the Earth

·        Light & sound can be reflected & absorbed and enable us to see & hear


·        Computer science skills

·        Information technology skills

·        Digital literacy skills


Design Technology

·             To design, make, evaluate and improve

Understanding the World


·             To develop  map Making Skills

·             To develop inquiry and Investigation skills

·             To develop locational Knowledge

·             Knowledge and understanding of Human and Physical Geography

·             Ability to Follow directions and maps


·             To develop historical knowledge

·             To develop historical concepts

·             To develop historical enquiry


·             To learn about religion

·             To learn from religion


·             To speak confidently

·             To read fluently.

·             To understand the culture of the countries in which the language is spoken


Physical Education//Forest School

·             To develop practical skills in order to participate, compete and lead a healthy lifestyle

·             Dance, gymnastics, games, athletics, swimming, athletic outdoor activities.




Creative Arts


·             To develop ideas

·             To master techniques

·             To take inspiration from the greats


·             To compose

·             To perform

·             To describe music

Preparation for Adulthood: Employment

·             Careers

·             Managing Transition

·             Recognising and using strengths and skills

·             Problem Solving, Flexibility and Adaptability

·             Using Initiative

·             Planning and Organisation

·             Personal Organisation skills

·             Motivation skills

·             Enterprise

·             Work skills / work related learning

·             Health and Safety at work

Preparation for Adulthood: Independence

·             Toileting

·             Feeding and Drinking

·             Self-Care

·             Shopping

·             Cooking

·             Transport and Road Signs

·             Travel Training

Preparation for Adulthood: Health

·             Staying Safe- Self-care, Support and Safety

·             Relationships and Sex Education- (How I and others are changing; new opportunities and responsibilities, Changing and growing, Managing Feelings (Understanding feelings, and that how I feel and how others feel affects choices and behaviour), how to seek help and advice

·             Keeping Healthy-self-care, personal hygiene, importance of a balanced diet, benefits of regular exercise, mental health and wellbeing

·             Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco-Being and keeping healthy, making healthy choices, dealing with pressure, how to seek help and advice

Preparation for Adulthood: Community Inclusion

Developing citizenship skills

·             making positive contributions

·             taking part in discussion/debates, rules/laws, rights and responsibilities

·             making informed choices

·             keeping safe in the community and online

·             exploring communities, diversity/discrimination, bullying including cyber bullying

·             looking after the environment

·              personal identify

·             moving forward, managing change

·             developing resilience

·              risk management skills


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