Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

EYFS to KS4 - Verney Road, Winslow, MK18 3BL / Sixth Form - Well Street, Buckingham, MK18 1EN


01296 711380 / 01296 327120



Visiting Furze down school

Thank you for your interest in Furze Down School.

Unfortunately, due to the number of enquiries and requests for visits we receive we are unable to offer individual visits.  Visits will usually only take place once a consultation for a place has been received.  Our aim is to minimise the visits to classrooms as this is disruptive to our current pupils.

Please complete the questions on the form below.  We will then contact you to share information and answer your questions.  There is an additional box at the end for any other information you wish to share with us at this time regarding your interest and your reason for requesting a visit. 

 Form requesting more information or visit 

The admitting authority for special schools is Buckinghamshire Local Authority and requests for placement at Furze Down School will be considered by the local authority’s provision panel. If the panel considers that the child meets the criteria for a place, consultation will take place with the nearest appropriate provision to the home address that has an available place.

Admissions Policy

Please click here to access our admissions policy.

who to contact at your local authority for admissions

For Bucks residents (excluding Milton Keynes)

Bucks SEN Team

For residents of Buckinghamshire, please contact the SEN Team using senaylesbury@buckinghamshire.gov.uk


For accurate and impartial advice and support, please contact The SEND Information, Advice and Support (SENDIAS) team.  

To contact the team please use the Bucks SENDIAS Contact Form.

Alternatively, if you aren't able to use the form please use the following:

For residents of other local authorities (including Milton Keynes)

Please check in your local area for the appropriate details.

Please contact your Local Authority for details of the appeals process.

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