Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

Verney Road, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3BL


01296 711380

Enacted Curriculum

Enacted Curriculum

Curriculum Design

It is the responsibility of the class teacher and therapists to use the objectives in the ‘INTENDED CURRICULUM’ to plan the ‘ENACTED CURRICULUM’ 

This is the actual curriculum delivered by Teachers, Therapists, Learning Support Assistants and Therapy Assistants. Teachers, Therapists and Support Assistants apply their own filter, deploying a unique combination of

  • Strategies and Interventions- This is our Universal, Targeted and Specialist Provision
  • Learning tasks
  • Resources

Three ‘Golden threads guide this work

Golden Thread

There are three key documents that are used when designing the Enacted Curriculum

  1. Key Stage Plans- Overarching Objectives
  2. Furze Down School’s Bespoke Curriculums: EHCP Framework and Cognition Curriculum - Overarching objectives broken down into smaller steps
  3. Themes and Topics overviews for each centre (Year Group Plans) These outline themes and topics to be used in order to provide engaging ways in which to develop the Concepts, skills and knowledge outlined in the Bespoke Furze Down Curriculum
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