Furze Down School

Furze Down School

A Specialist School for Communication and Interaction

For more information and news

Verney Road, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3BL


01296 711380

Admission Appeals

Admission Appeals

The admitting authority for Furze Down School is Buckinghamshire Local Authority and requests for placement at Furze Down School will be considered by the local authority’s provision panel. If the panel considers that the child meets the criteria for a place, consultation will take place taking into consideration parental preference and the nearest appropriate provision to the home address that has an available place. 

All parents and carers have the right to appeal placement decisions. 

The admission authority (Buckinghamshire Local Authority for Furze Down School) must inform a parent or carer of the decision to refuse their child a place at a school they've applied for. It must tell parents and carers:

  • Why admission was refused
  • About their right to appeal
  • The deadline for lodging an appeal
  • Contact details for making an appeal
  • How to make an appeal, including setting out their grounds for appeal in writing

Admission authorities cannot limit the grounds on which appeals can be made.

Timetable for appeals:

Calculating time 12.—(1) An act required by these Rules, a practice direction or a direction to be done on or by a particular day must be done by 5pm on that day. 

(2) If the time specified by these Rules, a practice direction or a direction for doing any act ends on a day other than a working day, the act is done in time if it is done on the next working day.

(3) In a special educational needs case— (a) if the time for starting proceedings by providing the application notice to the Tribunal under rule 20 (the application notice) ends on a day from 25th December to 1st January inclusive, or on any day in August, the application notice is provided in time if it is provided to the Tribunal on the first working day after 1st January or 31st August, as appropriate; and (b) the days from 25th December to 1st January inclusive and any day in August must not be counted when calculating the time by which any other act must be done. (3A) In a disability discrimination in schools case, the days from 25th December to 1st January inclusive and any day in August must not be counted when calculating the time by which any act must be done, other than the time for starting proceedings by providing the application notice to the Tribunal under rule 20 (the application notice).

(4) Paragraphs (3)(b) and (3A) do not apply where the Tribunal directs that an act must be done by or on a specified date.

More information about appeals can be found here.

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